David Hechler is a writer, editor, and a reporter who has covered the legal beat for many years. He was the Executive Editor of Corporate Counsel magazine, where his reporting, writing, and editing earned top awards from the two major business press associations.
A graduate of Grinnell College, Hechler went on to earn a master’s in teaching from Brown University and taught high school English for seven years. He then completed a second master’s degree at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.
His work at Columbia led to his first book, The Battle and the Backlash: The Child Sexual Abuse War, which won critical praise from publications as diverse as The New York Times and the Michigan Law Review. In Good Hands was also incubated at Columbia. He began working on it there as a Prudential Fellow for Children and the News.
In 2017, The American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded In Good Hands first prize for a book of general nonfiction.
Hechler is currently a writer and editor at TAG Infosphere, a research and advisory firm that covers cybersecurity, climate science, and artificial intelligence.